Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Political System in Germany

    Germany’s political system is similar to the United States, but there are a few key differences. As you may have learned, the United States has two main political parties, Democrats and Republicans, with many smaller political parties. In Germany, they have 5 large political parties: something like a Democratic Party, something like a Republican party, a Liberal party, an Environmentalist party, and a Socialist party.
    Elections are a little different here, because you only vote for two things: the party you would like to win, and the person you would like to see Chancellor (equivalent to President). Once a party wins the election, that party selects their representative to be Chancellor. Unlike America, their “Congress” is not filled by the party who won, but by equal amounts of representatives from the other parties so their voices are heard.

Here are a few of the political signs that I saw in Hamburg for the upcoming election:



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