Saturday, September 7, 2013

Liverpool to Hamburg

    Something that I learned on my first day in Hamburg is that the Beatles pretty much started out here! Although they formed their band in Liverpool, England, the Beatles started to gain fame in Germany.
      Over fifty years ago, the Beatles moved to Hamburg, Germany. They moved onto a street called “Grosse Freiheit” which means Great Freedom. They lived in a house next to a Church. They had their first real gig in a place across the street called “Kaiser Keller” (Keller means ‘cave’ or ‘basement’).                                                        
After this, many people wanted the Beatles to play for them. They easily gained a lot of fame! So, although the Beatles are known for coming from England, they really had their start in a fisherman’s city in Germany.


This is a photograph of the only Beatles monument in the world, located at the end of Grosse Freiheit.



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