Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dependent Children Program

On my voyage, the Dependent Children Program has 22 kids, with ages ranging from 3-16. The coordinators are Jane and Ian.

Many professors on the voyage will bring their kids along, because you cannot exactly leave your kids home for four months! In order to do this, they will pay just room and board for their child (you can see how much this is on your tuition bill). Also, each child must have a guardian for when their parent is in class. So, this usually means that the other parent comes along, and watches the child while the other is in class. There are many different sizes of family on this voyage, ranging from one child to six per family.

So great, they can bring their children with them around the world for four months! But what about schooling? The children receive homeschooling from their parents 9:30-11:30 every at sea day during study hall. Their parents create their curriculum based on what their home district wants them to know by the time they return to school.

Here is how the kids' days are scheduled at sea:
  • Study Hall  9:30-11:30
  • Study Hall  14:00-15:00
  • Enrichment Activity  15:00-16:00
  • Outside Activity on Deck 7  16:00-17:00  

The afternoon study hall is not required, although many students do attend so that they may get extra help on a certain topic, or complete their homework. The enrichment activity is led by either a coordinator, student, or volunteer. They may do several activities, such as painting or yoga, to name a few. Their outside activity usually depends on their age. Younger children may be doing something less active so they do not hurt, whereas older children may play basketball or dodgeball. The point of this is to get their heart pumping!

If you would like to help out with this program, you can! You can volunteer for the afternoon study hall hours to help out whoever needs guidance, lead an activity during the enrichment period, or play along during the outside activity. It offers a wide variety of ways to help out based on your personality. This is strictly a volunteer program, so you are not bound to anything. You sign up for days and times that you are available, whenever you are available.

In addition, you may also tutor or babysit the children. This however, can be arranged straight through the parents. You notify the DCCs about your skills, and they disburse that to parents. With this email, and based on if you interact well with their child in study hall, they may ask you to tutor or babysit their child for them.

This is really a great program. It is an excellent way to help your professors on the ship, or give you practice for your future career. I am studying elementary education and math, so this program is perfect for me!

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