Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Scavenger Hunt Around Lisbon

     On my second day in Lisbon, I had a field program that was a scavenger hunt around the city. I did not know much about it, but it sounded like a lot of fun when I signed up for it. The tour guides led the group to the Palace Arc in the middle of the city. Here, they gave us our instructions.       
We were divided into three teams. My team consisted of Sarah, Mary, Oliver, and Jasper. Each team was given an instruction booklet and an envelope. The envelope contained tram tickets that we would use to get to our first destination. The envelope also contained Euros so that we could purchase certain things for tasks. The instruction booklet told us certain locations that we had to go to,  questions pertaining to the certain locations, history on certain areas, tasks that we had to complete, and a word search.

We had to ask locals for some guidance because the questions were worded poorly (as you will see). My team ran around the city and came in first place. These are the questions we  that we had to answer in our booklet:


         1. The Augusta Street’s Arch was built to commemorate a special occasion. What was the occasion?

         2. What’s the name of the church near the viewpoint?

         3. At Largo da Graca viewpoint garden there is a statue near the lake. What particularly have, the two persons represented?

         4. Look carefully to the photograph and the scenery and discover which construction is missing in the photo?

         5. What’s the date on the painting?

         6. Which are the animals represented in the Coat of Arms of the city of Lisbon?

         7. How many towers can you find on the main walls of the castle?

         8. How many steps do you have to climb to reach the flag?

         9. How many years did D. Manuel I live?


        10. At the bottom of R. Chao da Feira there’s a steel  construction on the corner. Which Portuguese word can you read there?

        11. Which year is it on the tile painting?

      12.     What is the name of the river that you see from there?
13.     What’s the festivity in Largo do Salvador?

14.     What’s the profession of the     person who lives in #23?

15.     What is the meaning of the two lines on the Azulejo?

16.     What’s the name of the most popular fish of Alfama?

17.     What’s the Lisbon name for “one cup of coffee”?

18.     Bom dia= _____________

          Como estas= __________

          Obrigado= _____________

          Direita= _______________

          Esquerda= ____________

          Professor= ____________

19.     To which gender of music is the museum dedicated?

20.      Who was the first king of Portugal?

21.     What’s the name of this unique house, a symbol of Lisbon?



Fun Facts About Portugal!

· It is located on the Iberian Peninsula, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean.

· The country’s name originates from its second largest city, Porto.

· The Portuguese Empire was the longest spanning empire (about 600 years in duration).

· It is a member of the EU and NATO.

· Lisbon is the capital.

· It is an important stop for migratory bird who travel from Europe to Africa for the winter.

· They have two territory disputes with Spain: Olivenza and the  Savage Islands.

· They were not a part of WWII.

· They have an army, navy, and air force.

· The country is currently experiencing many economic hardships.

· It is one of the top 20 visited countries in the world.

· Many people travel to Portugal for the beaches , climate, and seafood.

· By 2010, around 70 percent of the energy used in Portugal came from renewable sources, such as wave farm, wind farms, and dams.

· The adult literacy rate is 99%.

· Catholicism is the main religion with 81%.

· The average life expectancy age is around 80 years old!

· There are 15 World Heritage Sites throughout the country.

· They are famous for their pastries,  many of which date back to the medieval ages.

· Soccer is the main sport of Portugal. There are many famous soccer players from here, including Cristiano Ronaldo.

· Home to the best seaport in southwest Europe.

· They have nautical-themed architecture.

· There are 200 million speakers  of Portuguese in Brazil.

· It is the number one language in the Southern Hemisphere!

· It is the sixth most spoken language in the world.

· God, the country, and family are the most important aspects of life in Portugal.

· Portugal has the 19th highest quality of life in the world.

· The country has had universities and colleges since 1290! The first was constructed in Lisbon.


Lisbon's Famous Flea Market

      On my second day in Portugal, I wanted to go to the flea market in Lisbon. Lisbon is famous for having a very large flea market every Saturday. The flea market starts around eight o’clock in the morning, and ends around four o’clock in the afternoon. Unlike many shops in Portugal (and Spain), the flea market does not close for lunch time.

       I returned to the ship around lunch time. My friends and I ventured to the flea market after we ate. We were told that it was located behind the Pantheon. We walked up the hills to the Pantheon, and were a bit discouraged when we did not see a flea market. However, we walked around to the back of the Pantheon, and saw endless lines of tents; we found the market!

     There were many different vendors at this market. There were vendors from India and Africa. There were also vendors who looked like they emptied out their garage. There were also stores at the flea market. Anything that you could want would be at this market! You just have to keep in mind that you need some time to look through all of the vendors’ items, because there is a large quantity.

     I really enjoyed looking through the different vendors’ tents because every one had some little treasure to be found in it. The book vendors had very old, valuable books. There were also vendors with old keys, lanterns, and door handles. It was amazing to see what some people had. I bought a traditional Indian outfit at one tent. I plan on wearing it to my Moroccan family dinner because in Morocco, you have to cover your legs and arms. I also bought a Portuguese encyclopedia, a tile with the backdrop of Lisbon on it, old Portuguese coins from before the formation of the European Union, and a Coca Cola glass for my one manager at Wendy’s. She collects Coca Cola products because her sister once worked for the Coca Cola Company.