· It is its own country, and completely separate from Spain. It is a territory of England.
· The Governor, 9 times out of 10, is an old war hero. He is appointed by the Queen of England to govern the land for her.
· Gibraltar has the fourth most dangerous airfield in the world. It was designed by Eisenhower for Operation Torch. You now have to cross the runway to get into the main part of Gibraltar. A siren will sound when you are not allowed to cross the airfield when a plane is either taking off or landing. Once the plane has landed or left, you may cross the runway once again.

· The Rock of Gibraltar has 36 miles of tunnels, which was created by 5000 men.

· The Great North Road inside of the Rock can fit two 10 ton trucks side by side in it. The road is 1.1 miles long, and reaches from one side of the Rock to the other.
· The Rock had all of the amenities that the men needed. There were even tennis courts inside!
· Gibraltar encourages many enterprises to root themselves in the country because the tax-free system is very beneficial to the businessmen. Ninety-eight percent of all British online gambling is based from Gibraltar. Ninety-four percent of all Australian gambling is also housed there.
· The territory is roughly 2.5-3 miles square.
· The Bay of Gibraltar is as wide as the Rock is tall (approximately 1497 feet). It is home to a high concentration of many different species of dolphins. Minke whales are also known to migrate past the Bay.
· It became a British territory under the Treaty of Utrecht.
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