Thursday, November 28, 2013

My Amazon Experience: Day 2

     I also woke up to the sunrise on my second day in the Amazon, and it was even more beautiful than the first. After we ate breakfast, we traveled to a village on one of the river banks. Villages in the Amazon are not very common because people tend to live by themselves. In this case however, the community was created because a mother had 18 children, so the community is made up of the families of the 18 children. It was very interesting to see how this community sustains life in the middle of the rainforest.            

      After visiting the community, we went on a hike through the forest. During the first part of the hike, we walked through dozens of ant hills, which disturbed the ants inside of them. In effect, the ants came out and started to bite us; they were very painful! As we continued along, we saw a very large tarantula! It was horrifying! After this, many people had the opportunity to climb an acai tree, which is something the locals have to do everyday in order to collect the acai berry.We traveled to a private beach at the end of the day.


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