Friday, November 15, 2013

Fun Facts About Argentina!

· It is the eighth largest country in the world.

· It is a founding member of the United Nations.

· It was colonized by the Spanish in 1512.

· Spanish is the official language.

· The climate is very diverse ranging from subtropical in the north and subpolar in the south.

· Because of the range of climates, there are many different species that inhabit the country, including jaguars and pumas in the north, compared to the seals and penguins in the south in Patagonia.

· There are many natural resources in the country.

· The country is in the upper-middle class, so it is fairly wealthy. However, they also have a high inflation rate.

· Long-distance buses are fairly cheap.

· Buenos Aires, the capital, is the most visited city in South America.

· It is the most visited country in Latin America behind Mexico.

· English is taught in elementary schools, and is the second most spoken language in the country.

· Although citizens have the freedom of religion, they are required to pay the Catholic church.

· 67% of the country is Christian.

· It has the largest Jewish population in Latin America.

· Buenos Aires is strongly influenced by Europe.

· Is extremely famous for theater.

· Tango is the most famous form of dancing, which comes from jazz and swing.

· Argentina is famous for its variety and abundance of meat dishes, as well as barbeque.

· Empanadas, chorizo, and dulce de leche are traditional foods.

· Pato is the national sport.

· Football is the most popular sport.

· Basketball is the second most popular sport, and is very highly ranked throughout the world.

· The national flag was designed in 1812.

· Their “white house” is called the Pink House, and it is actually pink!

· It has the highest rate of university students in Latin America.

· 76 is the average life expectancy.

· The current Pope of the Roman Catholic church is from Argentina. He is the first Latin American Pope in history.

· Most jokes about Argentines are about their egos.

· University students commute to school, rather than live on campus.

· Buenos Aires is known as the Paris of South America.

· Argentines are passionate about: tango, mate (pronounced mah-the), asado (bbq), futbol, and politics.

· They tip 10%, but this is only what they tell tourists. Typically Argentines do not really tip. They may round up to the nearest Peso. Tipping is not required.

· It can become very hot in Argentina. Last Christmas Eve, it reached 46 degrees Celsius, with a feel of 51 degrees Celsius, which equates to around 125 degrees Fahrenheit!

· Argentina is not known for its beaches, because there really aren’t any!


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