Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cabins on the Ship

    I know that many of you are curious about how I am living on the ship, such as where I sleep. Well, I will try to explain it to you!
    When you pick a cabin type on the ship, there are several different types of rooms. There are economy rooms, third deck rooms, fourth deck rooms, junior suites, and balcony rooms (this is the order of price as well, from least expensive to most expensive). Prices vary depending on whether you want an inside room or an outside room (with a porthole). You can have a porthole if you're economy, but you cannot request it; it is just the luck of the draw. What I did not know is that the economy rooms are on the second deck, but also the third deck. So even though there are third deck cabins, which are more expensive than economy rooms, they are on the third deck. The economy rooms that are on the third deck are towards the back of the ship near the engine. Although many of the economy third deck rooms do not feel the engine vibrations or hear it, my cabin did (cabin 3155). There are only four rooms after mine to the back of the ship; I am pretty much at the end of the hall. Although I thought that the noise and vibrations were annoying the first two days, I easily got accustomed to the noise. I actually learned to like the vibrations because they are a soothing noise to fall asleep to. The only time that the noise is noticeable anymore is when we are getting into port. The engine starts to make very loud noises because the gears are changing. So although this may seem annoying, it is nice to be able to wake up to see when we pull into port.
    I was assigned an inside cabin. I was disappointed when I found out, but I like it now. Although I do not have a window, I get complete darkness when I am trying to sleep. My roommate really likes it because it allows her to nap throughout the day, without sun shining in. Inside and outside deck three rooms are pretty much the same. The only difference is the wall where your beds lean against. The inside rooms have a large mirror, and outside rooms have the porthole window.
    My lifelong learner father has a balcony room on the seventh deck. It is amazing! He has a very large bed, a walk-in closet, and a soaking tub. Oh, I forgot to mention his private balcony with lounge chairs. These rooms are very elaborate and beautiful.
    This is what my cabin looks like so that you get an idea of what I am living in. It is modest, but it is all I really need.
The bathroom is on the left in the second photograph. It has a small clothesline in the shower. The closets have around 10-12 hangers to split between you and your roommate(s). There are tons of drawers in the closet, as well as around the room. You should have plenty of room. As far as your luggage goes, you should have a duffel so that it can fit under your bed, which only have like 9" in clearance. All of the walls in the cabin are magnetic, except the wall with the mirror behind your head. Bring tons of magnets!!

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