Sunday, December 1, 2013

Neptune Day

    In case you do not know what it is, Neptune Day is the day that you cross the equator on a ship for the first time. A majority of the passengers on the MV Explorer experienced this for the first time on this voyage. This day occurred the day after Ghana for the Fall 2013 voyage. Neptune Day has many traditions that go along with it, including: asking King Neptune to enter his seas (which was Captain Jeremy dressed up), having "fish guts" dumped on you, jumping into the pool, and kissing a fish. You make a vow as well. Many people shave their heads on this day as well. Many men on our ship did this, and eleven women did as well. Everyone already has around two inches of hair that grew back!
    Before I participated in the rituals, Alaine and I braided our friend Amy's hair into several ten inch sections, and then cut it off. My dad on the ship buzz cut the remainder of Amy's hair off, which she is going to donate to Locks of Love when she gets home in two weeks. It was crazy! The rituals of Neptune Day were very fun, and I highly recommend being a part of them!                                                                                    

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