Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Room Change

So to top of my birthday of chaos, I got a call from Dean Eddie, Dean of Students. He wanted Alaine and myself to come to his office, immediately. So we ventured to his office and told us that we had to move our room from today to September 1st because there was a problem with our pipes...awesome. Our cabin number now is 3155, and we are pretty close to the engine. We were moved to 3165. We tried to find out dorm, and turns out that our new room is the room next to the engine, super. Later on we found out that we had to move EVERYTHING, just in case the pipes were worse than anticipated, that way our possessions didn't get ruined.

When you move your room, have a friend help you...it's crazy how much it speeds the process!!! Believe it or not, being next to the engine is not different from our previous room; I am very thankful for this!! Hopefully our room gets better and we can move back soon!

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