Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dock Time

So a term that you will hear about often is "dock time". It is such a real thing, so be prepared!! You will learn all about it during orientation, like I did, but I will give you the general gist of it:

Dock time (def): the amount of time you must remain on the ship when you arrive at a port.
You can acquire dock time for many things; it is a very common punishment. To list a few:
1. If you are late getting back on the ship on departure day
2. If you return to the ship intoxicated
3. Many other offenses if the ship staff deems it a fit consequence...

The amount of dock time you receive all depends on what your offense was. There are two types of dock time: regular and medical. Suppose you return to the ship intoxicated. You will receive a medical dock time from the medical team for the amount of time they think it will take you to recover. In addition, you will receive dock time from the deans for being intoxicated for the amount of time they deem fit as well. Both times are cumulative, and they do NOT cancel one another out.

One thing to brighten up the subject is that ANYONE can receive dock time, including teachers and deans (many teachers and deans have received it before!!). Try to be in line to return to the ship an hour and a half early and you will be fathered onto the ship (called: Eddie Time). This means that you proved you were in line rather early to the ship time of departure and if the line is long and you are late getting on the ship, you will not be penalized for it! Also, if you're on a SAS trip and you return late, you will not be penalized as well.

Just avoid getting dock time because it will stink to see everyone leave the ship while you remain in maritime time-out. Be early!!

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